Sunday, 20 May 2012

China: The Great Wall

In a typical effort to avoid tour groups and tour buses I decide to catch the train to the Great Wall of China.

The Great Train Station of China

The train leaves from Beijing North station and eventually arrives at Badaling which is the most famous touristey bit of the wall (though from what I am told from others who have visited the other sections - they are also just as touristic).  At the time of travelling it was only 6Yuan (US 95c - bargain!) each way and it's a comfortable train ride followed by a 200m walk to the great wall.
Somewhere along the line someone in the council planning forgot to put in a footpath from the train station to the great wall tourist attraction so much of the walk is spent walking along the side of a highway.  This is China.

The first thing I notice about the wall is that it's really lacking the younger tourists and backpacker types that you see elsewhere in asia.  The great wall is bustling with old grey folk who obviously have the GWOC on their bucket list - and they're about to kick said bucket.  I actually thought one old chap was having a heart attack halfway up one of the steep bits.  He actually wasn't sadly so I didn't have a chance to steal his wallet.

ProTip:  Walk in the opposite direction to the really high bit of the wall and if you're lucky like me you'll get an entire kilometer or so of wall all to yourself.

Well..  me and my B-boy and B-girl

After being there - I agree with the oldies - it should be on your bucket list.  In my opinion it's probably the coolest thing to see in China.  Hell it's got to be one of the best things to see in All Of Asia.

Do it. 

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