Superior Class. Now doesn't that sound lovely! I'm sharing a two man seat with a rather roundish Malay who's using pieces of newspaper as a blanket and sleeping mask. Good idea!! Two minutes later and I have a Serato tshirt over my face (where do they keep coming from?) and am using a long sleeved shirt as a blanket (I can't afford a newspaper).
The life of a high-roller |
8 hours later after stopping. at. every. single. station. south. of. KL. and it's 7:30am at Sentral Station. Cool! I've never been to Malaysia before. Catching the light rail to Chinatown you can see beautiful middle-eastern style architecture everywhere! Burkas everywhere! KFC everywhere! Just like that, southeast asia just got a whole lot more muslim. Fascinating! The next 20 hours or so are spent wandering the city - Chinatown, Little India, the touristy hawker food district, climbing the rather steep and large hill with KL tower on it (I'm a sucker for punishment). It's a fascinating city - a real mishmash of cultures, peoples, and KFCs.
The result of masochism |
Hot Kuala Lumpiur is Hot. I'm not sure why I haven't turned into a prune yet - I'm pretty sure I'm not drinking as much fluid as I'm sweating out. Using deductive reasoning I have ascertained that the locals haven't all shrunk into teeny tiny balls of prune skin because - unlike us - they are not walking around in the daytime and climbing small mountains in the midday heat.
Not Prunes |
The next day and I catch the train with an entourage of very lovely ladies* to one of the big tourist attractions in KL - the Batu Caves. Press your destination on the ticket machine. Only 1 ringgit!! Sweet as! I think I'm going to like this place. One train ride later and we're at the Batu caves.
Actual pic of train ride |
Free entry to the temple in the cave - I really do think I'm going to like this place. We are greeted by a humungous statue in front of a large flight of steps leading into the cliff-face. Damn it's big.
That's what she said. |
Oh look at the cute monkeys!! Monkeys are hanging out at the top of the steps posing for pictures. I like monkeys! So cute. Apparently if you don't have food on you they tend to ignore you and do their own thing. A short cavewalk later past some shrines and there is a central "room" with a pretty impressive hole looking upward.
A Hole |
A tribe of 20 or so monkeys are hanging out on the cliff wall being cute. Look! A baby monkey eating some kind of nut! Cute!!
Ooh look another baby sucking on an iceblock stick! Super cute! I like monkeys!!
An indian lady in a sari screams and runs past a monkey. Ha ha. Silly lady - scared of the cute monkeys. I like monkeys.
Time to head back now. Aargh something scratched my leg!! You little shit! Now it's climbed up and grabbed onto my wallet pocket!! You little shit! I let out a manly yelp and run forward as the monkey jumps onto a handrail and bares his teeth at me. You little shit. I hate monkeys.
Little Shit. |
Now they're everywhere at the top of the stairs back down to the train station. Evil little things - just waiting to claw you limb from limb, staring at you with their soulless eyes.
It probably wants to mug you |
The terrifying descent begins - flanked by the tiny demons of the Batu Caves. I can feel their gaze burning into the back of my head.
Just look straight ahead.
Don't look back.
Most of us probably won't make it back alive. I just hope one of us survives so we can warn the world of the terror of the
Monkey Terror of the Batu caves.
Victims flee in desperation |
Pictured: Absolute Terror |
Now all we need to do is make it past the horrific "Man with the Two Large Snakes" and we are safe and sound back on the train.
Sorry Ladies |
And hot-damn the food is cheap here! Around NZ$2-3 for a decent meal.
I like this place.
*sorry Adam - you've been relegated to one of the babes to make me sound more pimpin'