Thursday, 4 August 2011

Greetings from another world. Also - Spiderman.

I'm looking for the hook, the first act, the opening stanza - the point to suck you in.  I've been slack - procrastination maximus - away from home for two and a half months and not a single word written down.  What better time to start than now?  Lying down, feet on the wall in a sleeper bunk on a slow train to Singapore.  Damn you short asian people and your short ways.  Why can't you do the proper and polite thing and grow taller so that you can are forced to build sleeping berths that can accommodate a human being of "slightly above average for a white boy" height? 

Pictured: Not asian

Perhaps I should have started writing things down sooner.  Perhaps not - it might get in the way of a good yarn.  Many of the people I have met so far have their nightly ritual of jotting down notes in their journals before going to bed.  I guess the alternative way to put yourself to sleep is frowned upon in a 24 bed mixed dorm.

Sorry to bore you with this introduction - I promise my story will get better.   Hell, maybe I'll improve my writing skills as I go…  so let me get a few things out of the way first, and let's make it quick:

Quit Job, worked hard, moved out of apt, sold furniture and crap, gave away furniture and crap, threw away furniture and crap, couldn't bring self to sell car, leave girlfriend [sad :(] hop on plane.  I'm in Sydney - land of sun and beaches.  Naturally it rains for the next three weeks and is freezing cold.  I meet some really cool people, abuse couch sleeping privileges (go Matt!) and generally have a good time.  I spin some tunes in a club in the cross for 30 mins.  Apparently Will Smith - Fresh Prince of Bel Air Theme isn't commercial enough for this "Got any Gaga?" crowd.  Oh well I'm having fun.  Saw some stuff.  Did some stuff, then I went to Melbourne and saw some more stuff, then went back to Sydney.

Which brings me to Spiderman.  We're having some flat warming drinks at Oh who will not be named's new pad.  Oh who will not be named has been drinking with the rest of us, goes outside for a while only to find he's left his keys inside.  Naturally, the first thing that pops into one's head when you leave a party is "There is nobody inside the apartment full of people that I just left" and therefore Spidey decide that it's a good idea to try and climb up three floors to the balcony to get inside.  Luckily Spidey's fall is caught at the bottom.  Unluckily it was caught by his face.

Fast forward one long night, one broken wrist, fractured eye socket and cheek later and all is well.  He who will not be named is released from the hospital (even though he can barely walk or talk) in order to free up his bed as he is stuck on the waiting list for surgery.  Four hours later, and he coughs up a lovely gob of blood.  Back to the hospital again with you son.
"Oh - by the way we just ran some more tests and it turns out you have a punctured lung, pneumonia, and most of your ribs are broken".  "Oh and your other shoulder's a little bit broken too".

Hooray for public healthcare!

Climbing Dexterity
Now I've gotten that out of the way - we can travel off to places more exotic than Aussie - "Land of animals that kill you".

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